Monday, November 24, 2014

The Love I rejected once

Source: Google Images

Even a single smile from him would have made me feel better.

I knew it was the last time he could see me, but he behaved as if he was very happy and as if I did not exist at the table.

I knew, I made him feel bad, I knew made him go mad, but then he has chosen to ignore me, completely!!

As minutes passed, he just left the table waving a good bye to all my friends around while the tears left my eyes saying hi to all that guilt he left for me.

"Oh God, who is responsible for all the irritation, all this suffocation!!" I said to myself.

This post is a part if five sentence fiction - irritation activity at


  1. Guilt is a horrible feeling. But let it be. And move on while trying not to get into the situation again. That's the best we can do.

    1. True that! Thank you for stopping by and btw, it's just a fiction :)

  2. Guilt is really's the worst feeling one can experience in their life.
    But we need to forgive ourself, learn from our mistakes & move on.
    Btw well written dear..;-)

  3. It's sad, isn't it? Life is mix of all feelinfs. Very well written, Sankeerth. :)
