Sunday, October 19, 2014

Healthy Child makes a happy Home..!!

Before starting to write anything, I would to quote something which I always believed -- "To take birth as a mother you need the power to climb more than one Mount Everest".

No parent can contradict the statement, "Healthy Child makes a happy Home".

My mom always used to say to me, "Handling a single, notorious, mischievous kid like you is like handling a complete family :)". Well, as a matter of fact, she is absolutely right and I'm very proud of that statement. I should be, shouldn't I?

I had no siblings and me being the only kid, I was equipped with all the powers to do whatever I want and whenever I want. But, you know what, everything which involves children comes with an instruction manuals and when there is Mom involved in it, it will have an additional section labeled 'terms and conditions' and the only option given there is 'I Accept'. 'Decline' option is no where found and I always choose to accept it because I'm getting what I want ;).

I always kept Mom on her toes and she was quiet happy with whatever is happening around her. There was always noise, songs, dance, games, dirt, dust and when it's summer, my cousins added to the list. 

Happy Home -- kids, parents, all healthy and happy together.

One fine day, vacations started and we were all set to go on a trip and out of no reason, I fell sick the night before our travel. Everything was planned and it was just a matter of fever which can be cured in a day or two with proper medication.

But, when it comes to mothers, they can even leave the entire world of happiness and to take care of their children. The vacation was not at all a matter for her and she canceled it just because I had a slight fever.

Right from that moment, she never left me, she was always holding my hand. I couldn't sleep because of the fever and she did not sleep either. She was always at alarm to check if I need food, water, anything!!

During that fever, Mom prepared whatever I want to eat and she ate the same, I love to watch Pokemon, Swat Cats and Tom n Jerry and she watched it along with me for hours and hours, I love to dress like Super Man and she helped me with all the costumes, I did not feel like eating the dinner and just had some hot milk one night, you know what Mom had the same milk. 

She did not think about any other thing in this world but me, as long as I was sick. There were cousins in my home but when there is one sick kid and that's it, all the entertainment is on a break. All dull, all gloomy!!

It continued for two days as expected and the third morning, out home was back on fire!!! All the kids were on the bed with the pillows in air and noise above the roof!! Yes, I got well and the canceled plan was back in action. 

Bags packed, schedule set to normal and booking done to travel. Yes, it was an Happy Home again.

"Health is wealth", is on on peak and I correct it now, "According to mothers, Kids health is wealth".

This post is a part of IndiBlogger prompt #ImmuneIndia by Dabur Chyawanprash.

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